



Deliciously natural, wholesome and pure

Festive Season (Xmas)

///Festive Season (Xmas)

Festive Cranberry Sauce

Moni's cranberry sauce, a wonderfully nutritious version of the sweet and tart classic. A must for any meal in the festive period.

Festive Bruseels Sprouts

Moni's fruit spiced brussels sprout. This amazing festive classic mixes the savoury flavours of brussels sprouts with gorgeously sweet berries, all beautifully spiced. A must for any festive meal.

Festive Gingerbread Cake

Moni's Spiced Gingerbread Cake. A wonderfully festive moist and gingery cake, with the magical flavours of the season. Enjoy this gorgeous treat and rest assured in the knowledge that it is full of goodness.

Moni’s Festive Savoury Lentil Loaf

For far too long, vegetarians have been fobbed of with inferior options at meal times, especially at Xmas when all others are tucking into their turkey. Well at Moni’s we say no more, our Savoury Lentil Loaf provides a substantively delicious vegetarian option that is also packed with protein, nutrients and minerals. This lovely dish can be served with all the regular trimmings that go with Xmas lunch and thoroughly enjoyed by all, including meat lovers. At Moni’s [...]

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